Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Game of Life

In honor of summer I've been doing less video gaming and more IRL gaming. This week I played dominion with Ben (the board game poster on this blog) and Micah, which was great! Very fun card game with a flexible system, so you can design each game for how many players and their skill levels.

A few weeks ago I went to a baby shower in Portland and played the card game Fluxx and the board/card game Cosmic Encounter, both of which were super fun, hopefully I will talk more in depth about them at a later point.

The main swing of my post is, Golf! I've never been a very sporty person in IRL, the highlight of my bench-warming, team-letting-down career was being asked to please just 'pass on the ball' in my college pickup soccer team. But golf is much more my speed, and my friends were much more encouraging than most schoolmates had been. We played 9 holes and by the end of the game I got a really awesome stroke in, that lobbed the ball all the way to the intended green. YESSS, and what a wonderful, lesiurely yet healthy way to spend a sunny or semi-sunny day.

Golf photos

Dominion Photos

Cosmic Encounter Photos

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