Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thank god a bunch of men have figured out what I want, despite what I actually want

Not to break this down into something so simple as Mars vs. Venus, buuut. I'm getting pretty annoyed at the talk I'm heaing from GDC, combined with having just read that Cracked article, about 'responsible' game design. What if I DON'T WANT to learn every second of every day? What if I want a video game where I get to unwind and drool on myself a little? Get pulled in by e-gambling where I lose nothing but my own free time?

Should games come with lowbrow-psychology warnings?

Should certain MMOs and Social Games be banned like High Fructose Corn Syrup and Heroin?

Do the industry bigwigs and (let's be realistic) big groups of men know what's best for me over my own desires? Lord knows they've always thought so!

I get so irritated when someone thinks they know what's best for me, when they have no frakking idea what I want. HIRE A BUNCH OF WOMEN, game industy, and then we'll market to OURSELVES. Computer Engineer Barbie will not be invited.

edit: talking about this rant w/ my buddy, I realize this post is guilty of reverse sexism. But for the record, now that we have tons of women playing games, I think it just makes sense that women be hired to design, illustrate, distribute and merchandise more games. I'm not asking for a complete takeover, just 50-50.

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