Sunday, February 14, 2010

Casual Games on Apple devices

The big hit Christmas gift this year with our family was an iPod touch. Ostensibly bought as a remote control for our new iMac (first Apple in the house), it quickly became my 6-year-old's favorite thing of all time ever.

Watching him over the last few months, it is clear to me that I need to develop an iPhone app where you download, arrange, and delete apps. By far, that is his favorite thing to do with the device.

But now that the dust of rapidly installed and quickly tested apps settles, we have some good games that keep our attention.

We really enjoy air hockey together (real air hockey, and on a good table!), and while Glow Hockey is certainly not a replacement, the two-player option in the paid app is actually playable and fun.

I paid for and finally beat Atsumari, a nice-looking logic game that was more fun before I figured out a trick to solving the puzzles. The level called equilibrium took me much longer than it should have, but I didn't cheat, which is a sign that I enjoy the game enough that I would feel bad cheating. I'm always up for well-done logic puzzles since re-discovering them with the Professor Layton games on DS.


  1. Oh excellent, I will start trying these! I have yet to find a game I REALLY love on my iPhone, but I bet they have a lot of the same games?

  2. Oh, and I too love the ability to scoot around and delete chicklet-lookig apps...I think that's an awfully pleasing graphic interface. Why can't more games use something like that? I've found the touch controls on games, so far, to be more misused than used well... But I tend to get free games, I might fare better with the premium ones :)
