Friday, February 12, 2010

A Real Live Girl!

It's like the end of pinocchio...this weekend I am getting my very own XBox 360, I intend to start my own gamer profile and be shamefully behind on gamer points. Look for a 'rupee groupie' friend invite soon! Gosh I'm so excited to dress my avatar...and play BioShock 2 alllll weekend!

Edit: My new user name is RupeeGroupie, add me yo!


  1. I'm way behind on games (1/4 through Bayonetta) and wish I had time to play the new Bioshock but it'll have to wait. My gamertag is "vinylsaurus" if you want to see my avatar dozing when you sign in.

  2. I will add ya! OOOOH Bayonetta i need to play that next! I like to see what netflix ppl are watching too...that sounds creepy to say out loud?
